HTB: Driver

5 min readJan 29, 2022

Hello everyone, this is my third time on writing a report about hack the box. I’m sorry if there are any mistakes that I made in this walkthrough.


First thing to do is enumerating the machine. I use nmap to enumerate all open ports.

nmap -sV -sC -O -p- -T4

There are 4 open ports with service. Port 80 for HTTP, port 135 for MS RPC, port 445 for SMB, and port 5985 for WinRM. So, I go to port 80 and find that the website needs authorization. I use default credentials such as admin:admin1, admin:admin, administrator:password, etc. And luckily find the authorization among these default credentials.

This is the main webpage. Let’s search for interesting feature.

From here, I find that we can upload something to the server.

Let’s give a shot. I try to upload test file.

And it successfully uploaded.

Gaining Access

From here, I know that we can upload a file and the server will store it using samba protocol on port 445. Searching on google and there are several websites recommends me using some of techniques. First, I will try with eternalblue using metasploit.

Setting some options to target.

And run it.

It seems SMB not vulnerable to eternalblue exploit using metasploit. Then, I try to psexec exploit using metasploit.

Again, it is not vulnerable to psexec exploit. I don’t really know what’s wrong. After awhile, I find this website that suggests me to capture the NTLM (New Technology LAN Manager) Hash. So, I use this tool to make a “scf” file and set up a responder to catch hashes that being thrown back to us.

python3 -f config -g scf -s ip)

Setting up the responder that listens to tun0 as interface.

responder -I tun0

Uploading the scf file.

Then, after finished the upload, I clicked browse and it returns hashes.

Dehashing it using hashcat so I can get the credentials.

hashcat -m 5600 hash.txt rockyou.txt — force -O

And find that liltony as the password and TONY as username. Then I use evil-winrm to login.

evil-winrm -i -u TONY(username) -p liltony(password) -P 5985(port)

And I successfully gain the access. Enumerating the system and I find user.txt inside the Desktop folder.

Privilege Elevation

Then I try to enumerate for exploits using winPEAS. First, I upload the bat version of winPEAS. Using “upload” keyword to upload things through evil-winrm.

upload /directory/winPEASbat

Run it.

And I found nothing from winPEASbat, then I try winPEASexe.

Found some username with administrator privilege.

And found some of this open ports running locally.

After searching in internet, I find this exploits, CVE-2021–34527 and CVE-2021–1675. Download the CVE-2021–1675 script and upload it.

Then, I import modules from this CVE file and invoke the module.

After that, I try to login using username adm1n and password P@ssw0rd.

And successfully got the administrator privilege. Enumerating a while and find root.txt.

Thank you for reading my report, hope this helps you or do anything good :D Have a great day!




Just a boy who interested in cyber security with little knowledge about it. "A nudge would be great!" - me, everytime.